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The team working on Down Current consisted of; 2 programmers, 4 artists, a producer, and 2 designers with myself being the sole narrative and sound designer.


Working on Down Current gave me plenty of narrative freedom as the brief was heavily focused on the narrative and atmosphere all of which I was able to explore with a professional workflow laid out by the module.

The goal with Down Current was to create a short verticle slice that a player could spend anywhere between 10-30 minutes exploring at their own leisure.

The team working on Down Current consisted of; 2 programmers, 4 artists, a producer, and 2 designers with myself being the sole narrative and sound designer.


Working on Down Current gave me plenty of narrative freedom as the brief was heavily focused on the narrative and atmosphere all of which I was able to explore with a professional workflow laid out by the module.

The goal with Down Current was to create a short verticle slice that a player could spend anywhere between 10-30 minutes exploring at their own leisure.

About Me


Hey, I'm Jak. I am 23 years old and an aspiring Narrative Designer looking to find a place of work within the games industry to produce fantastic games. I am currently based in Dundee, Scotland.

Though Narrative Design is my speciality I have practised other fields of game design such as Sound Design, QA Tester, and Producer which I had the opportunity to experience through university.

I'm interested in storytelling not just in games but in Film, TV, Manga, and Anime however my love of games has been a constant since I was very young.


I have recently graduated from Abertay University with a Bachelor's Degree and a Masters degree in Game Design and Development related studies ready to get onto the next chapter of my journey into the gaming industry.

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