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Down Current

Down Current is a realistic, first-person, 3D, story-rich game. Based on a brief from The Chinese Room, this dark atmospheric adventure was inspired by Celtic and Pictish culture and takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where magic exists.

Download link and full gameplay video available on the page below.

The team working on Down Current consisted of; 2 programmers, 4 artists, a producer, and 2 designers with myself being the sole narrative and sound designer.


Working on Down Current gave me plenty of narrative freedom as the brief was heavily focused on the narrative and atmosphere all of which I was able to explore with a professional workflow laid out by the module.

The goal with Down Current was to create a short verticle slice that a player could spend anywhere between 10-30 minutes exploring at their own leisure.

A lot of the work I produced on Down Current was spent worldbuilding in order to provide a basis for us as a team to build upon in this fantasy setting. Below is the Narrative World Document I produced in the pre-production stage of the project which we commonly referenced during development.

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