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Serenitea is a café tea crafting simulator with visual novel style character-driven dialogue to provide a calming experience in which you relax alongside your patrons over a cup of tea.

The game takes place in a tea shop that is halfway between the realm of the living and the afterlife, the customers all of which are spirits who are travelling either to or from their daily duties and make their stop at Serenitea as their halfway point to clear their head.

See the page below for more information.

Serenitea is the project I worked on during the 2nd semester of my masters course. This is also the project I have written the most amount of dialogue with a compendium of screenplays detailing each designed section of the game's narrative spanning over 52 pages.

The brief for this project was more about innovation than completing the final product and therefore it allowed me to push myself in order to see how much I could write within a relatively short time period. This was also my introduction to working collaboratively as a writer in a remote environment.

Link to the screenplay compendium document below.

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