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Writing Excerpts

This page contains writing excerpts that arrived as a result of personal practice or disciplinary tests I have performed in the past ranging from Screenplays to Mock Item Descriptions. This page will be updated frequently with new writing excerpts as I complete more in the future.

Screenplay - The Plea Deal

A short screenplay showing an interaction between a defendant who is currently incarcerated while awaiting trial and the prosecutor for said trial.

Videogame Screenplay - The Widower's Anchor

An short screenplay detailing the events that happen as a party of adventurers seek to conquer a pirate ship. The screenplay is built around an MMORPG dungeon adventure experience.

Mock Item Descriptions - Alchemy

As a writing exercise, I decided to write multiple item descriptions that could be used for a game with a form of alchemy. An RPG, Adventure or even some sort of alchemic brewing game. These descriptions were designed to be displayed in inventories. (Art sourced from

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